I was disassembling the pump my brother and SIL lent me because I wanted to learn how to sterilize the different parts. I was planning to teach the house help on how to do this so I can delegate this task later on. However, in the process of learning how to take the parts apart, particularly the membrane because I could not take it out, I came across articles on open and closed systems.
Apparently, the Medela Swing, Medela Pump in Style and Medela Mini Electric are single user devices because they are open systems. This means milk can backflow. This is the reason why the tubing can have molds. This also means that it is not hygienic to use because the other parts that are not sterilized come in contact with the milk. Many sites, including La Leche League says that open system pumps are not okay to share so getting a second hand open system is not a safe option for baby. Medela Symphony is a closed system but it's so expensive.
I started searching for the best pump that has a closed system and found Spectra S2. It's actually made in Korea. The price is lower than Medela, it's a double electric hospital grade pump and it has wonderful reviews.
This is probably what I will get.
I was a bit disappointed today that we have to get a new one because I really liked the idea of saving but if it will risk my baby then I would rather invest in a new pump. If I stick to breastfeeding, in the long run, we will be saving money anyway.
This is a documentation of my journey as a new mother. I hope to be able to log each experience so that I may learn and share as well. Here's to hoping for a smooth and fruitful journey!
Friday, July 24, 2015
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Breastfeeding Tips from Mommies
I have been receiving a lot of tips from mommies who have experienced breastfeeding and so before my short-term memory decides to put all their tips to waste, I would like to list them down. This way, I would be able to make use of each and every bit of wisdom from all these generous moms.
- Breast milk is a great healing agent. It can heal chafing, sore breasts and even baby's rashes.
- Pump frequently so your body knows it needs to produce more milk.
- You can pump in traffic.
- Use bottles instead of bags so you need not transfer the contents of the bag into the bottle unless you have limited freezer space, in which case, use bags.
- Do not. I repeat. Do not microwave milk.
- Breast milk can last for 6 months if frozen. 24 hours if in a cooler with ice pack. 6 hours if at room temperature.
- Nursing dresses are unnecessary, just get button down blouses and nursing bras.
- Save as much milk as you can if you are going to be a working mom.
- Pigeon breast pads are nice because they have adhesives. Use these when going outside the house.
- Washable breast pads can be used at home.
- Massage your breasts to produce more milk.
- Pump even though you are not producing milk. Your body will catch on.
- Drink lots of clear soup and take some Malunggay supplement for more milk supply.
- Take Malunggay supplement one month before giving birth. I have to get clearance from my OB for this.
- Do skin-to-skin contact with the baby the first hour after delivery so that the baby can latch on.
- Find a supportive, breastfeeding advocate pediatrician.
- It is normal for baby to lose weight (up to 10% birth weight) at the beginning. Milk takes 3 to 5 days to come.
- Establish a deep latch. I am yet to learn what this means but let me list this here as well.
- Prepare things that will help pass the time for moments when baby falls asleep while feeding. Have Kindle available. Check. Wireless headphones. Check. Baby monitor in reverse so you can call out for help when assistance is needed. This we are still working out. Husband wants it to be available via IP.
- Breastfeeding should not hurt. If there is pain, check if baby is properly latched.
- Milk Savers or Breast Shells can be used to catch the leaking milk from the other breast. Be sure to sterilize these carefully.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Pregnancy Reading List
Since I got pregnant I have been so focused on my pregnancy, reading about how our baby is growing inside of me and the changes I will undergo. I have been following my pregnancy by reading pregnancy sites on the net such as:
I check on the development of our baby on a weekly basis so I always have something to look forward to every week. I thought I was reading enough and then my mom friend and even dad friends told me about books I need to read. I felt like a student caught unprepared for the finals. I realize now that I still have much reading to catch up on. So I have to give my novels a rest for a bit to focus on these books during my free time.
A friend of mine lent me this book and it has been great because it answers most of the questions that I have. This book is a New York Times Best Seller and has been for 25 years already, considered as one of the most influential.The very copy that I was lent has been used by at least five women already.
A friend from Canada recommended that I start reading this book. I realized that I have not read anything yet on how to survive the first year so this is a must-read.
Parenting Guide to Your Baby's First Year by Anne Krueger
A mother of four recommended this to me so I am guessing this is a really useful book. I am also fortunate that she is lending me a copy.
Mothercare New Guide to Pregnancy and Babycare by Dr. Penny Stanway
I was told that this book has a list of things I need to get for the baby. It also has pictures (yey!) of how to carry and bathe the baby.
Happiest Baby on the Block
This book was recommended to me by a new mom. She says it's super helpful. The book teaches the reader how to calm the baby. I need this. I remember helping out my brother and my SIL for a few hours with my niece and it drove all of us crazy that she would not stop crying. There were many times we just could not figure out how to make her stop. This worried us because she cried so hard at times that she threw up.
I read some reviews about this book and learned that many parents thought that the book's content can just be summarized into one pamphlet. The entire book, they say, just repeats the 5 S's. Moreover, what is stated in this book may only be used in the first three months. Regardless, I think it is helpful if I put in here the 5 S's as the parents did say they were effective in calming the baby.
Swaddling - just ensure that the swaddle is tight enough so it simulates the environment in the womb. Tight enough but not too tight that the baby ends up with hip dysplasia. To be safe, I am really getting the Halo Sleepsack. I plan to get the 2 in 1 version for newborns. Swaddling is not recommended once the baby can already roll over and flip as this becomes a danger to them already.
Side Laying - allow the baby to lay on his side or on his tummy. Do not leave the baby to sleep this way as this has been found to be a danger for SID. The author says lying on his or her back gives the baby a sense of falling hence, baby feels insecure and so baby cries.
Swaying - while the baby is in the womb, the baby feels the gentle rocking in the womb. The swaying must be rhythmic but gentle to avoid the shaken baby syndrome.
Shushing - when the baby was in the womb, the baby heard shushing sounds. Actually, a closer sound is that of a washing machine's but sushing will do. Some recommend using white noise like a recorded washing machine or a vacuum cleaner. I hear this is available on Spotify.
Sucking - allow the baby to suck on a pacifier or your nipple so that the baby may calm himself or herself. I do not know about the pacifier as this may cause nipple confusion. I would think nursing would still be better.
In the end, after reading all the reviews, I ended up not reading this book anymore as I already know all the 5 S's.
My Baby Sleep Guide
This site provides guidelines on how to help the baby sleep: Swaddling, Sitting and Shush-Pat. I have not tried any of these to my niece before but who knows, this might work for our baby! Any help is really welcome when calming the baby.
Parenting Guide to Your Baby's First Year by Anne Krueger
A mother of four recommended this to me so I am guessing this is a really useful book. I am also fortunate that she is lending me a copy.
Mothercare New Guide to Pregnancy and Babycare by Dr. Penny Stanway
I was told that this book has a list of things I need to get for the baby. It also has pictures (yey!) of how to carry and bathe the baby.
Happiest Baby on the Block
This book was recommended to me by a new mom. She says it's super helpful. The book teaches the reader how to calm the baby. I need this. I remember helping out my brother and my SIL for a few hours with my niece and it drove all of us crazy that she would not stop crying. There were many times we just could not figure out how to make her stop. This worried us because she cried so hard at times that she threw up.
I read some reviews about this book and learned that many parents thought that the book's content can just be summarized into one pamphlet. The entire book, they say, just repeats the 5 S's. Moreover, what is stated in this book may only be used in the first three months. Regardless, I think it is helpful if I put in here the 5 S's as the parents did say they were effective in calming the baby.
Swaddling - just ensure that the swaddle is tight enough so it simulates the environment in the womb. Tight enough but not too tight that the baby ends up with hip dysplasia. To be safe, I am really getting the Halo Sleepsack. I plan to get the 2 in 1 version for newborns. Swaddling is not recommended once the baby can already roll over and flip as this becomes a danger to them already.
Side Laying - allow the baby to lay on his side or on his tummy. Do not leave the baby to sleep this way as this has been found to be a danger for SID. The author says lying on his or her back gives the baby a sense of falling hence, baby feels insecure and so baby cries.
Swaying - while the baby is in the womb, the baby feels the gentle rocking in the womb. The swaying must be rhythmic but gentle to avoid the shaken baby syndrome.
Shushing - when the baby was in the womb, the baby heard shushing sounds. Actually, a closer sound is that of a washing machine's but sushing will do. Some recommend using white noise like a recorded washing machine or a vacuum cleaner. I hear this is available on Spotify.
Sucking - allow the baby to suck on a pacifier or your nipple so that the baby may calm himself or herself. I do not know about the pacifier as this may cause nipple confusion. I would think nursing would still be better.
In the end, after reading all the reviews, I ended up not reading this book anymore as I already know all the 5 S's.
My Baby Sleep Guide
This site provides guidelines on how to help the baby sleep: Swaddling, Sitting and Shush-Pat. I have not tried any of these to my niece before but who knows, this might work for our baby! Any help is really welcome when calming the baby.
Things I know about breastfeeding I learned from the television and hosptal pamphlet and posters. I remember seeing a feature on the Oprah show many years back and the testimonies of the mothers are burnt in my memory forever. I have also many friends who breastfed and they really make it look so easy that if it were not for the horror stories I saw on Oprah, I would believe that all was really peachy and perfect in the breastfeeding land. The person lending me this book breastfed all her four kids. This book has been recommended to me twice already.
In Search of the Perfect Latch
This link enumerates things to watch out for so a breastfeeding mom can tell if she needs additional help. This also identifies indicators that will allow the mom to tell if the baby is indeed getting some milk. It's a short and easy read. This is actually from the blog The Leaky Boob which offers other interesting entries on breastfeeding and baby care. This was recommended to me by another mommy friend.
In Search of the Perfect Latch
This link enumerates things to watch out for so a breastfeeding mom can tell if she needs additional help. This also identifies indicators that will allow the mom to tell if the baby is indeed getting some milk. It's a short and easy read. This is actually from the blog The Leaky Boob which offers other interesting entries on breastfeeding and baby care. This was recommended to me by another mommy friend.
I have been also advised to read this blog. I already started and it features many useful links on breastfeeding. I like that though the author has been blogging for a while already, she has kept links to the very important posts that new moms must read.
The Wonder Weeks
This is actually a best selling book turned into an app. This was recommended to me by a friend who says that the most challenging stages are the growth spurt stages of an infant. Suddenly, the pattern of an infant will be altered and you have to figure everything out again. Hopefully, this app or book will be able to aid me in figuring things out.
Baby Rules for Baby by John Medina
This book explains how to raise a smart baby. This tries to dispel some myths about in utero practices like playing music, talking to the baby via Morse code. Seriously? I think this is a good read though I have not really finished this book yet.
The Wonder Weeks
This is actually a best selling book turned into an app. This was recommended to me by a friend who says that the most challenging stages are the growth spurt stages of an infant. Suddenly, the pattern of an infant will be altered and you have to figure everything out again. Hopefully, this app or book will be able to aid me in figuring things out.
Baby Rules for Baby by John Medina
This book explains how to raise a smart baby. This tries to dispel some myths about in utero practices like playing music, talking to the baby via Morse code. Seriously? I think this is a good read though I have not really finished this book yet.
I cannot force this on my husband because he is not really into reading books but I can peruse it and maybe let him know what he needs to know.
Update: I have read some parts of the book. I decided to read this because my husband cannot be coerced to read this. It has some things the husband needs to track like the movements of the baby and the frequency of contractions. It even has template of what the record table should look like! This book also features how the husband can assist the wife during labor which at this point, is not a priority since I have no delusional ambition to deliver the baby vaginally. I am already 35 and it may be risky to choose that route so I am preparing for a Caesarian delivery. The book details on how the Caesarian operation is going to go and I literally cried because it was so scary. I have undergone and appendectomy in the past and a breast cyst excision as well so I am no stranger to an operation. Nonetheless, it scares me crazy! I just need to look at the positive side, I will get to see our baby after all the gory parts.
Update: I have read some parts of the book. I decided to read this because my husband cannot be coerced to read this. It has some things the husband needs to track like the movements of the baby and the frequency of contractions. It even has template of what the record table should look like! This book also features how the husband can assist the wife during labor which at this point, is not a priority since I have no delusional ambition to deliver the baby vaginally. I am already 35 and it may be risky to choose that route so I am preparing for a Caesarian delivery. The book details on how the Caesarian operation is going to go and I literally cried because it was so scary. I have undergone and appendectomy in the past and a breast cyst excision as well so I am no stranger to an operation. Nonetheless, it scares me crazy! I just need to look at the positive side, I will get to see our baby after all the gory parts.
This teaches baby sign language. This is a YouTube channel that the baby and mommy can watch. I do not know how much our baby will like this but I am curious as to how it will pan out so I will try this out. My only issue is that this is in English and we want our baby to learn Filipino first before English. I guess I will have to watch this and then translate to our baby.
This promotes skin-to-skin contact, exclusive breastfeeding and support to the mother and child. I think the hospital we chose provide support for this. What this says is that the baby has to have skin-to-skin contact with the mother immediately after birth. They say this will lessen the stress on the baby caused by separation from the mother. I will have to read more on this and its advantages.
I still have more or less four months to read all these. I need to prioritize breastfeeding materials though!
Monday, July 6, 2015
Breastfeeding Shopping List
I have created my baby shopping list and intentionally left out my breastfeeding needs because this is a whole different animal all on its own. I have already identified things that I will be needing.
- Breast Pump I am fortunate because my brother and SIL gave me their Medela single electric pump so I do not need to worry about getting this. UPDATE: It is not a good idea to share a closed system pump like the Medela single electric pump. As such, I am now going to buy a new pump. More on this in this post.
- Nursing Cover I am not sure if this is necessary since I think I have shawls in storage that can double as a nursing cover. I have to check if those shawls are safe for the baby.
- Nursing Clothes I have managed to get to 22 weeks without having to buy so many maternity clothes in total I only had to buy five mainly because I have so many loose shift dresses. Nursing clothes is a different story though. I have not worn pants in a while but now that I am going to breastfeed, I might have to start wearing them again because I have not seen many dresses that are breastfeeding friendly. I dread the day when I have to go pants shopping because my waistline has gone where it has never gone before! I am also anticipating a Cesarean operation so I am not sure how easy it will be to wear pants. Update: A friend of mine recommended Mamaway Philippines. They have tops and dresses that are supposedly great for nursing moms. I can't figure out though how I will be able to pop one breast for my baby in some of the designs. I wish they had an illustration of some sort. Update: A mother of four told me that I can do without buying new clothes if I have button down blouses. I can just undo the top buttons if the top is a bit tight or I can undo the bottom buttons if the top is loose enough. The top can serve as a modesty cover as well.
- Nursing Bra I have bought some in two waves. My size is continuously changing thanks to my appetite and to my hormones. I may have to buy more depending on how my size still changes. I was surprised that there were not so many options at SM Department Store. Wacoal and Triumph do not offer nursing bras. It was only So-en that carries this type of bra they have been okay so far but I wish they offered more support.
- Breast Pads I do not know what brands there are, I just know that I need to get these because I have been forewarned by my mom that I will get leaks if I decide to breastfeed. She thinks I will have a very difficult time once I go back to work. I agree but I want to try at least because I have heard of the many advantages of breastfeeding. I saw Mamaway Philippines also sells breast pads. It's almost 1300 PHP for 240 pads. I wonder how often I will have to change these. I was told the Pigeon brand is the best because this has adhesives around it so that it stays in place. I hear the locally manufactured ones are bulky though. To save on breast pads, I can also opt for washable breast pads that I can use at home. I will definitely consider this option.
- Nipple Cream I have first heard of horror stories about how the nipples get chafed and raw on Oprah way back when I was in college. It scared me then and it still scares me now. I read that ice can help soothe the pain. I can only imagine the horrible pain described by mothers but as they say, smart people learn from their mistakes, smarter people learn from other people's mistakes. I want to be smarter. I will not go through this unprepared. I will be scared but prepared hence, the nipple cream. Update: I was told that I may actually not need a nipple cream. If I develop rashes, I can simply use my breast milk to heal myself. Breast milk can also be used on the baby's rashes apparently. Will read on this first and then update this post as needed.
- Milkies Milk Saver This product is meant to catch the milk from the leaking breast while the baby feeds on the other breast. I only read about this today and I think this is a great idea. I read though that it tends to spill when the mom leans forward or when the mom is lying down. I am not planning on buying one right away, will try to catch leaking milk with a bottle, maybe that will work just as well.
- Pump and Save Bags Since I will be going back to work two months after I give birth, I will have to stock up on breast milk. I hear I can store milk this way. Apparently, I can freeze the milk but in small amounts so the milk can thaw quickly. Also, I must remember not to microwave the milk because it can burn my baby's mouth. There are more tips in this site. Update: I was told that it will be easier to get more bottles and use them as storage for the milk, this way there will be no need to transfer the contents of the bag to the bottle. I will have to check the size of our freezer though.
- Cooler I do not know how big the cooler should be or what kind I should get yet. I did see a 9-quart Coleman cooler yesterday at Ace Hardware that's less than 1,000.00 PHP. This looks like a small ice chest and it can hold up to maybe six cans of Coke so maybe it's big enough. I saw that there's a commuter tote that has the same capacity on the Coleman website. What's nice about the tote is that it can be compressed if there aren't so many things inside. I have not seen this in malls but that might be because I have not been actively searching.
- Ice Pack Breast milk can only last up to 24 hours only if it is placed in a cooler with ice pack. Otherwise, it will only last up to six hours.
Search for the Wooden Crib
My brother and SIL have offered their Play and Pack pink crib but but because a) I am still unsure of the gender of my baby b) I am nesting c) eventually we will have to buy a wooden crib too for when the baby grows bigger, I have checked wooden cribs out as well. I have looked at so many wooden cribs today and I have identified the following shops that I would like to check out:
I am really learning a whole lot. I guess it is good too that I am nesting this early.
- Mothercare I have not checked the price range of Mothercare cribs but the crib that Daphne Osena got for her first kid was still used by her other two kids. Also, my husband wants to make sure that the crib is safe and I know Mothercare sells items safe for kids.
- Youji & Me I have seen some of their cribs online and I like the brand Cuddlebug. I like this brand because most of their cribs can be converted into toddler beds. They also make use of non-toxic paint and really good wood. I hear they hold warehouse sales and in 2014 it was around September or October. This is perfect for me because by that time I can already start shopping!
- Baby Company I know they carry Cuddlebug as well but I am unsure if they have a lot of choices.
- Rustan's They carry Cuddlebug along with other brands. At Alabang Town Center, they have one display unit and the others are just shown in pictures but are also available for sale.
- Ikea If only we have Ikea in the Philippines! They have nice crib options and beddings that will fit perfectly in the crib. They have a lot of cribs that can be converted into a daybed as well so I think it will be a good investment. There is one seller on Lazada offering an Ikea crib so I might consider this as well.
- Abebe Beybishop This shop offers Japan surplus items for kids. They have wooden drop side cribs. Please note though that drop side cribs have been prohibited by US already because there have been many infant deaths associated to drop side cribs. Eventually, the mechanism weakens or the assembly is incorrect so some babies get trapped in between the drop side and the base of the crib. For more information you can read about it here.
I am really learning a whole lot. I guess it is good too that I am nesting this early.
Baby Shopping List
I am now 22 weeks pregnant and I find myself suffering from a horrible case of nesting. I have not really purchased anything yet for the baby but it is a real struggle to keep myself from hoarding every cute little thing I see at the malls. Of course, it does not help that for so long I was not allowed to go to malls because I had a low-lying placenta. I had my ultrasound two weeks ago and the ultrasound shows I now have a placenta that is positioned higher in my uterus so I can now go gallivanting again. In the last ultrasound, I should have found out the gender of our baby but the baby will not let us have a peek so the gender remains a mystery. This has helped a ton in keeping me from getting into a shopping frenzy!
I have created a list of things I would like to buy when I reach my 7 month mark. My mom asked me not to start buying yet until my 7th month so I am not but it has not kept me from window shopping.
Here is my short shopping list to satisfy my nesting craving:
- Wooden Crib My brother and my SIL have been kind enough to offer me a play and pack type of crib that my niece has outgrown. She has moved to a wooden crib that is sturdier and bigger since she is already turning 2 in August. The crib is in pink though, and since I am yet to learn the gender of my baby, I have to consider purchasing a new one. I have looked into different cribs and I think this deserves a separate post so will write about it in another post.
- Mattress Cribs normally do not come with a mattress so this needs to be purchased separately. Care must be taken to ensure the size fits the crib perfectly though for the child's safety. I was told that Uratex does custom mattresses and got this number from friend blogger Mel, 888.6800. I am taking note of this for future reference. She said the mattress was at a very reasonable price, much cheaper than those sold at malls so yey for this!
- Bedding Again, this is sold separately. To avoid Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), the sheets must be fitted. Pillows, soft guard, blankets and other loose items are highly discouraged as this may cause SIDS. I might buy them only for playtime and not for sleeping.
- Sterilizer Apparently, there are different kinds and I am yet to identify which one will be best for us so this will have another post of its own but here are the different types: Microwave Sterilizer, Cold Water Sterilizer and the Electric Sterilizer.
- Bottles I really want to breastfeed my baby directly but eventually, I will have to pump when I get back to work which means we will be needing bottles. There are tons of bottles out there and I also wish to choose which ones will be best for us. Some brands thrown at me are Avent and Dr. Brown and then I also read about Nuby.
I will probably get six bottles first and then work from there.They say babies are choosy so buying a lot of one kind might not be very practical. - Diapers I just know babies will pee and poop a lot so we will be stocking up on these. My niece uses Huggies so we may end up using these as well. I wonder when the next S&R sale will be. Somebody suggested Mamypoko and I know of some relatives who prefer this brand so I might try this as well.
- Swaddle I have gotten confusing input on swaddling. Some say it's great because it comforts the baby and it really allows the baby to sleep for long periods of time because babies are not disturbed by their reflexes. However, sleeping for long periods of time is not necessarily good because babies are supposed to feed every two to three hours. Also, it has been found that prolonged sleep may also induce SIDS. Moreover, if you swaddle the legs of the baby too tightly, this can cause hip dysplasia. I am getting at least one for those times when baby needs to be kept warm while I hold him. I have looked into the proper way of swaddling too and there are pieces of clothing that only needs to be zipped up and voila, baby is swaddled. The Halo SleepSack was recommended to me by a pediatrician friend. Another example is that of Ikea's Sleeping Bag.
- Bonnet I will just buy 3 of these because I will probably only use this for those times when we have to go out in the morning.
- Mittens I will buy 12 of these because I will probably lose half of these. Also, the baby will end up getting drool and milk all over it so rather than risk food poisoning, we will just have to remember to replace them regularly.
- Socks My niece used to feel cold all the time so I will be buying 6 of these. Again, half of these will probably get lost but I anticipate the baby growing fast so we will buy new ones again after a few months I think.
- Shirts with Ribbons or Buttons Traditionally, the shirts are with ribbons, I remember my little sister had these but I read somewhere that buttons are faster and easier to snap on. I think the ribbons are more comfortable though because buttons tend to be hard and rough on the skin of the baby. I will get 6 with ribbons and maybe 6 with buttons. Some will be short sleeves and some will be long sleeves.
- Footies If I cannot swaddle a sleeping baby, I have to keep him warm with something. Enter footies. Hip dysplasia should not be a danger anymore since the legs can freely move. No need to put on socks as well since they are built-in. Baby will probably wake up because this does not keep the baby from getting disturbed by reflexes but that's better than risking SIDS. I will get 3 first because these can be pricey and also this might make diaper changes/checks a nightmare.
- Bibs Babies will drool and spit and I imagine using these for the baby and for me so I am getting 12. Again, these items are easily lost.
- Burp Pads I think cloth diapers can double as burp pads but will look into these as well. I am not sure how much these are but I imagine getting 6.
- Cloth Diapers These will mainly be used for wiping drool, spit and milk because while my little sister did use cloth diapers, I cannot imagine storing, much more, washing soiled diapers. Then again, it might be too early to be saying these things. I will be getting 12 because these are cheap right?
- Baby Tub Call me weird but I want a tub with holes so the bath water can freely flow. I will be on the look out for a good, cheap tub but for now I just know I need to get one.
- Baby Towel I will be getting 3 bath towels.
- Baby Shampoo I cannot wait to smell my baby! I will probably get J&J as this was the same brand my mom used on us. I also hear other brands are way more expensive and I already find J&J pricey haha!
- Baby Soap I almost forgot soap! Cetaphil was recommended by a mom friend because this is milder than J&J. I wonder if this is good for baby's hair too.
- Baby Ointment for Rashes I am expecting rashes if we are going to use disposable diapers. This is one of the reasons why I am thinking of considering getting cloth diapers too. I got a tip that virgin coconut oil can be used for the baby's bottom so you never have to deal with rashes but should rashes occur, just cook flour and use it on the area with rashes. I like that these are organic solutions.
- Baby Wipes They say this is the Swiss knife of baby care so I am getting these.
Baby Powder I know this keeps the baby cool but it also smells so nice on babies.I was just informed by a friend that baby powder is not good for the baby because the baby will be able to inhale the small particles. Yikes.- Baby Lotion They say the baby's skin dries so I am getting this.
- Liquid Soap for Bottle Washing I recently learned that I cannot use normal dish washing liquid on baby bottles so I have to get one from either Chicco or Enfant they say. Will look into this.
- Bottle Brush I am sure I have seen my brother clean the bottles with this so I am getting one. I was told the Pigeon brush does the job.
- Bottle Dryer I do not think my brother has this but it makes sense to dry the bottles before storing them so I will check this out. If this is too pricey or consumes too much electricity, I am not getting one.
- Bottle Storage I imagine this is just a sealed plastic container where we can store the dried bottles so they will not get contaminated.
- Nail Clippers I fear the day when I will finally have to trim my baby's nails. Still, I have to learn and it must be done so I will need to get nail clippers.
- Diaper Bag This is not a priority for now since I have big bags. I need to look at what's so special about diaper bags first before I get one.
- Thermometer I really need to get this and will probably end up poking our baby with it every hour because I get paranoid like that.A friend of mine recommends the type that you just point at the forehead rather than the ear. I do not think I have seen one like this but will scout for one.
- Laundry Soap Again, they say ordinary laundry soap cannot be used on the baby so I will need to get milder soap.
- Stroller Thank goodness for my brother and SIL, I do not have to worry about this because they are lending me one of my niece's strollers. She has three! :)
- Car Seat There are so many options and so many safety tests to consider so I have not really decided yet on what we should get. This requires another post because there are just so many things to consider.
- Baby Carrier My brother and SIL are also lending me their baby carrier but theirs is a bit bulky with lots of buckles that seem to be meant for older babies. For smaller babies, Boba Wraps might do. This is a bit on the pricey side and I imagine my husband raising safety concerns because this will rely so much on the way one ties the wrap around one's body. Will check this out though because the baby might like this.
I wonder if I am forgetting other stuff still!
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