Friday, July 24, 2015

On Breast Pumps

I was disassembling the pump my brother and SIL lent me because I wanted to learn how to sterilize the different parts. I was planning to teach the house help on how to do this so I can delegate this task later on. However, in the process of learning how to take the parts apart, particularly the membrane because I could not take it out, I came across articles on open and closed systems.

Apparently, the Medela Swing, Medela Pump in Style and Medela Mini Electric are single user devices because they are open systems. This means milk can backflow. This is the reason why the tubing can have molds. This also means that it is not hygienic to use because the other parts that are not sterilized come in contact with the milk. Many sites, including La Leche League says that open system pumps are not okay to share so getting a second hand open system is not a safe option for baby. Medela Symphony is a closed system but it's so expensive.

I started searching for the best pump that has a closed system and found Spectra S2. It's actually made in Korea. The price is lower than Medela, it's a double electric hospital grade pump and it has wonderful reviews.

This is probably what I will get.

I was a bit disappointed today that we have to get a new one because I really liked the idea of saving but if it will risk my baby then I would rather invest in a new pump. If I stick to breastfeeding, in the long run, we will be saving money anyway.

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