Saturday, August 6, 2016

Cloth Diaper Review

Though cloth diapers were in my baby shopping list, I only started using cloth diapers when my baby turned three months old. It was around this time that my baby started to poop less so it became more manageable for me to use cloth diapers. I still use disposables at night because I do not want to wake my baby for a diaper change though there was one time when he fell asleep still wearing a Next 9 Pocket Cloth Diaper with an overnight insert and he slept through the night with no leaks. It has been 6 months since I have started using cloth diapers and it has really kept us from having to buy a lot of disposables. There are days when I revert back to disposables and during these days our stock can get easily depleted especially if my baby poops 4 times.

There are so many cloth diaper brands out there. The imported ones can fare for at least a thousand pesos and up. That is a bit pricey for me so I did not buy a single imported brand. Some opt to get second hand imported cloth diapers from different groups on Facebook like Modern Cloth Nappying Pinays. These secondhand imported brands can fetch 850Php and up. Still too expensive for me. I ended up buying Next 9 pocket diapers which are priced at 999Php for every three diapers. I also got Earth Baby All-in-2(AI2) cloth diapers. This is a type of diaper that has a shell and soakers. The soakers are buttoned unto the diaper shell. This allows the diaper shell to be reused because soakers can just be replaced when wet. This made for an economical option.  

Next 9 Pocket Diapers 
Pocket diapers are used as you would a disposable except you do not throw them away. This has pockets for microfiber inserts. The lining is made of microfleece so that your baby's tush stays dry without irritating baby's skin. Never get a diaper lined with microfiber as this will dry out baby's skin. I once saw a diaper like this at a baby store much to my horror.Next 9 comes with one regular microfiber insert but I highly recommend their overnight inserts, I use them even during daytime as this gives me a little allowance in case my baby falls asleep for hours.

  • Easy to use - just snap on like you would a disposable diaper 
  • Cute and fluffy 
  • Does not leak 
  • Adjustable so it grows with baby 
  • Absorbent microfiber
  • Protective microfleece that feels dry even when microfiber insert is already wet
  • Overnight insert is effective for baby 
  • Cheap 
  • Durable (been using mine for 6 months and diapers are still great) 
  • Easy to spray off the poop

  • A box of 3 offers the same print 
  • Takes a longer time to dry compared to AI2 Inserts have to be stuffed into the diaper (since it's a pocket diaper) 
  • You have to put in the insert inside the pocket
 Earth Baby 
My Earth Baby diapers are All-in-2 (AI2) diapers. These diapers have shells and inserts allowing one to reuse the shells. I reuse the shell twice as it may not be hygienic to use more than that. I just hang the shell to dry after. 

  • Multiple use on shells - I use mine up to two times, I just replace the soaker when wet
  • Easy to snap on the soaker 
  • Adjustable so it grows with the baby 
  • Does not leak if put on correctly 
  • Has double gusset to help prevent leaks
  • Soakers are absorbent
  • Durable 
  • You can choose from different designs available on their website
  • Free delivery for a minimum purchase

  • Harder to spray off the poop as it sometimes get into the shell 
  • There is a button at the back that may be uncomfortable for the baby though my baby does not seem to mind 
  • The shell has no comfortable lining and may come into contact with baby's skin 
  • Hard to use multiple inserts
  • The loop and hook type can scratch baby's thighs as the rough part is too big and can come in contact with the skin. I stopped using the loop and hook type and just used the snap on type